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Avon CSD

Learning for a Lifetime

School Tax Information

2024 School Tax Dates:

  • August 31st - tax bill mailing
  • September 1st to September 30th - payment accepted with no penalty
  • October 1st to October 31st - payment must include 2% penalty


Taxes unpaid after November 1st are sent to Monroe and Livingston Counties.


Livingston County usually accepts payments from November 15th - 30th only. Unpaid school taxes and penalties after December 1st are re-levied to the January 2023 Town and County bill with additional penalty. We advise you to call the County Treasurer for instructions at (585) 243-7050.

Payment Options:

  1. Mail Payments To:

Avon Central School

P.O. Box 6792
Ithaca, NY 14851


The US postmark date is accepted as payment date. All other delivery methods (in person, Fed Ex, etc.) require the date received to be the date of payment.

  1. Credit Card

The fee to the payer is about 2.65%, with a minimum of $3.00 for credit cards or a $1.50 flat fee for e-checks


Tax ATC Taxes

  1. In Person

You can pay at Tompkins Community Bank in Avon during normal business hours.

To avoid a delay in processing or the return of your payment, remember to:

  • include the barcoded remittance stub attached to the bill (required for processing)
  • include the correct amount for the full payment, this includes addition of the penalty after September 30th
  • make payment, in person or postmarked, on or before the due date


All tax bills are mailed at the end of August. If you do not receive your bill by September 7, 2021 and your taxes are not paid by your mortgage holder, please call 585-226-2455 ext. 1308 to receive a duplicate bill or visit ATC Taxes to print out a copy. Bills requested by lenders for payment from escrow accounts are received and mailed to the property owner after payment.


It is the property owner’s responsibility to ensure that we have the correct address for mailing tax bills. Please contact the assessor, Tami Snyder, at (585) 226-2425 ext 17 if you have:

  • had a change of address including addition or elimination of a PO Box
  • had a recent change in escrow status
  • recently purchased property
  • tax roll name changes
  • questions regarding exemptions (including STAR) and assessments


To view a tax bill or print a receipt, click the website: Tax ATC Taxes


Click on Livingston (or Monroe) County and Avon School. This will allow you to search by street number only; by street number and name; by owner‘s last name; by tax map number; or by bill number.

For any other questions or concerns, please contact Kerry Murray, Tax Collector at
(585) 226-2455 ext 1308 or