The Instructional Support Services Team or ISST is an intervention problem-solving group whose sole purpose is to assist teachers who are faced with students presenting instructional challenges.
The ISST has numerous goals which include such things as assisting staff in implementing strategies to improve student performance, developing specific plans of action which details such strategies, serve as a resource for staff, monitor student progress with improvement plans, and to document the efforts and strategies used to improve student performance. Usually children are brought to the ISST if a student is showing academic, social, or emotional difficulties. Parents are always invited to attend ISST meetings and their input is extremely valuable in developing action plans.
In addition to parents, the ISST includes the school psychologist, school counselor, teachers, speech therapist, reading specialist and the building principal. After brief introductions at the meeting, the classroom teacher is given time to discuss with the ISST their concerns regarding the student's performance. After this information is shared, the ISST then brainstorms and offers ideas and instructional strategies that can be attempted to help a child be more successful. Working together as a team, we are very confident that we can help children become more successful at Avon Elementary School. Students can be referred to the ISST by a teacher or parent.
Questions regarding the ISST can be answered by calling the school psychologist, Ms. Kathy Wonderdly, at (585) 226-2455 x 1228 or the ES Principal, Ms. Christie DeWald, at (585) 226-2455 x 1108.