Students may obtain an application for a work permit from the High School Main Office or download it below. The application must be signed by a parent or guardian and returned with a copy of the student’s birth certificate (or evidence of age as noted on application), and proof of a physical within the last 12 months. The "proof of physical", or physical fitness certificate, must be obtained from the school nurse (this can be done if the student has a current copy of their physical on file at school). The main office will not accept the actual copy of the results of a recent physical but if you'd like your private physician to certify your fitness they must fill out the "Certificate of Physical Fitness" that you find here. If you will be using your physical on file with the school then our school nurse will review the actual physical results and provide the "proof of physical" required by NYS. **PLEASE NOTE: Due to recent laws, a Social Security Card is no longer required on your application or evidenced on your actual work permit. But, be advised that your employer will require it from you as mandated by law.
For more information from NYS regarding work permits click here
If the student is applying for working papers during the summer months when our nurse is not here, or if you live in the district but attend school elsewhere, please download the Physical Fitness Form found below and have your physician’s office fill it out based on the results of your last physical (this must be within the last year of the date that you're applying for a work permit). If, during the summer, you only have an actual copy of the results of your physical that your physician filled out, be sure that the box at the bottom is checked indicating that you are "physically qualified for employment" You may fax it to us at 585-226-1796 or bring it into the main office. Summer office hours are from 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM.