Avon Community,
We want to pass along some additional COVID-19 information. As a school, we are experiencing a slight increase in the numbers of positive COVID-19 cases. We are also experiencing an increase in the numbers of students displaying symptoms (Screening). This is consistent with many schools around the region and is to be expected given the events surrounding Spring Break.
We recently learned of the following:
- Grade 9 Student - The collective contact tracing did not identify any additional school-related contacts.
- Grade 5 Student - This student has not attended this week. Therefore, there were no additional school-related contacts identified.
- Grade 8 Student - The collective contact tracing for this situation was a bit more complicated. Because Grade 8 students now attend four days per week, additional consideration must be given for students who may spend a fair amount of time inside of 6 feet, with or without masks and screens. Therefore, an additional contact was identified in this case. Each situation will continue to be looked at on a case by case basis.
Public Service Announcements:
- As a result of the cases linked to the Bill Gray’s Iceplex, anyone who attended on 3/27 or 3/28 is asked to self-quarantine and contact the local health department.
Thank you.