Avon Community:
School-based Cases:
Staff Member - This staff member was last in attendance on 5/6. The collective contact tracing did not identify any additional school-related contacts.
Grade 6 Student - This student was last in attendance on 4/30. The collective contact tracing did not identify any additional school-related contacts.
Grade 6 Student - This student was last in attendance on 4/30. The collective contact tracing did not identify any additional school-related contacts.
According to the LCDOH, CVS here in Avon has available doses of the Pfizer vaccine. Pfizer is currently available for students who are 16 or older.
The LCDOH is waiting for official notifications that Pfizer can be administered to children 12 and over. When this notification happens, the LCDOH will request additional doses.
As is, the LCDOH will be receiving 200 Pfizer doses from Ontario County. They will post information about a potential clinic for children 16 and older as soon as they can.
Traffic Flow - On Behalf of the Village of Avon:
Paving on Clinton between Hal Bar and Lacy will take place tomorrow morning. Expect that Hal Bar will be closed to southbound traffic. Instead, Hal Bar will be used for cars to exit from the MS and HS.
Prepare to access the MS and HS lots from Clinton Street at Lacy. Expect delays tomorrow morning. Please allow time.
Changes to the Instructional Calendar:
Memorial Day - As was previously communicated, there will be no school on Friday, May 28th.
Juneteenth - At last night's meeting of the Board of Education, the Avon BOE unanimously approved a change to this year's instructional calendar in order to allow for the honoring of Juneteenth, a day to honor the official end of slavery. The day will be honored on Friday, June 18th this year. Going forward, Juneteenth will be an officially recognized holiday in New York State.
Last Week of School - Consistent with established patterns with Avon, the schedule for K-8 students will be adjusted for the last week of school in the following ways:
Wednesday, June 23rd will be a half day for students in K-8
Thursday, June 24th will be a half day for students in K-8 (last day for students)
Friday, June 25th will be the last day for staff
Year-end Traditions and Celebrations - Building Principals will be sending additional information regarding traditions and ceremonies that may take place at each school.
Thank you.