In spite of the pandemic, the Avon National Honor Society (NHS) preserved and continued to use their creative problem-solving skills to fulfill their duty of service. Sixteen months into the pandemic and two regional United Way Day of Caring cancellations later, our NHS used their creative problem-solving skills to find new ways to serve our community.
Here are a few ways that NHS served others:
“Avon Rocks of Positivity” - NHS member worked virtually In 2020 to create the “Avon Rocks of Positivity” and delivered the painted rocks around Avon.
Avon Day of Caring - In 2021 we were able to be together, albeit physically distant, to perform service around our school. On June 7th, 2021 the NHS worked with the Avon Buildings and Grounds crew to beautify the school grounds. Nearly 70 NHS members met on the morning of June 7th and began working on projects coordinated by Avon Director of Building and Grounds, Mr. LaGrou. Teams weeded at the high school, middle school, and the football field. They also spread mulch in various areas around the middle school. All of the students helped to prepare the planting area and planted 1,000 myrtle plants. The “Avon Day of Caring” took place during the school day and ended with a pizza lunch and games of four square.
Special thanks to the area businesses who donated food and beverages for the Avon Day of Caring. Your care shows our students the importance of being part of a community and supporting each other.
Livingston County Pizza for their generous pizza donations and delivery with a smile
Avon Dunkin’ Donuts for the Munchkins
TOPS for their support of water and fruit donations
The Avon NHS adviser, Mrs. Christina Ecklund, is very proud of these NHS students and their officer team. This year’s officers are: President - Bridget Hayes, Vice-President - Madeline Murray, Secretary - Colin Farmer, and Treasurers - Samantha Phillips and Andrew Herberger. The students hosted virtual meetings, coordinated the holiday candy-cane gram fundraiser (which raised $170.00 for 13Thirty Cancer Connects), created holiday cards for the Avon Nursing Home, planned the 2020-2021 NHS induction, and created, planned, and implemented the Avon Day of Caring.
In a year with many challenges, the Avon NHS members met the challenge and showed: #everyday service, #everyday character, #everyday scholarship, and #everyday leadership.