August 6, 2021
Dear Avon:
This communication contains information about two specific topics: 1) the latest information on COVID-19, and 2) a brief overview of an upcoming phone-based survey for the parents and families of students with special needs.
Latest on COVID-19 Opening Guidance
We continue to monitor the communications coming from the New York State Education Department (NYSED), New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH), and the Livingston County Department of Health (LCDOH) in order to stay informed with requirements and planning. New information continues to emerge and this information, as has been the case in the past, needs to be clarified as there can be inconsistencies.
To help establish common understanding, it is important that a factual timeline be established. In the last week, schools received the following pieces of information:
Communication from NYSED on 7/29/21 that stated, “The Governor’s staff has informed the Department that guidance from NYSDOH is in development and the latest guidelines from the CDC will serve as the basis.”
Yesterday, 8/5/21, Dr. Howard Zucker issued a statement on behalf of the NYSDOH that asserted that as of June 25th, “ districts are the controlling entity for schools. Schools and districts should develop plans to open in person in the fall as safely as possible, and I (Dr. Zucker) recommend following guidance from the CDC and local health departments.” Yet, NYSDOH issued guidance related to summer programs on July 7th.
This prompted a stern response from NYSED requesting additional guidance from NYSDOH.
You can plainly see the disconnect.
What does this mean for Avon?
Whenever new guidance has been issued during this pandemic, we have taken time to process the information to ensure accurate interpretations before taking informed action. We will now do the same with this latest information. We will be in communication with a variety of stakeholders and agencies in order to review the recommendations and to determine the best course of action for a safe and responsible return to school in September. In the coming days, I will be in conversation with our school physician, our local LCDOH, and regional schools. As a district, we will continue to process the published information and previously collected community survey responses. Further, we will determine possibilities for gathering additional input so that we are well-informed for the work ahead.
We recognize that this has been a challenge for all involved. We also empathize with the frustration you may be feeling at this time. Please continue to trust that we will continue to do the best we can with the available information in order to provide a safe and valuable educational experience for our students.
Upcoming Survey for the Parents of Students with Special Needs-
As part of our special education program, we have been asked to complete a survey for families regarding the operations of our special education program. As such, we ask that parents allow about 5-10 minutes to answer questions. Representatives from our Pupil Service Office will be making personalized calls next week. Please contact Linda Johnson, our acting Pupil Service Director, should you have any questions. She can be reached at 585-226-2455 x 1418.
Thank you and enjoy the weekend.
NYSED and NYSDOH Communications