
We are pleased to be hosting a second Family Engagement Event on October 27th with a focus on social and emotional learning! Social and emotional learning is an important part of the Avon culture and student learning across the district. This learning includes the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to manage emotions, achieve goals, establish and maintain relationships, and to make responsible and caring decisions. Join us to learn more about what social-emotional learning is, Restorative Practices, Zones of Regulation, the BRAVES WAY, and more with members of the staff from across the district. This Family Engagement Event will take place at the High School Cafeteria from 6:30-7:30 PM. Please use the Google Form link below to register for the session. Refreshments will be provided and activities will be available for school-age children during the session, in collaboration with the school's recreational program. Please register by Monday, October 25th.

Google Form Link:

Best regards,
Christine Green
Student Engagement Coordinator