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Avon CSD

Learning for a Lifetime

Early College High School (ECHS)

ECHS Fall 2024 Introduction Video

ECHS Information & Resources

NYS - Smart Scholars - Early College High School

A partnership with Genesee Community College & Avon High School

Avon CSD in partnership with Genesee Community College partnered to offer Avon High School students an Early College High School experience where students may graduate high school with a high school diploma and an associate's degree.   The grant, awarded through the New York State Education Department, is the New York State Smart Scholars Early College High School or NYS-SS ECHS which is designed to support students starting with the 2024-2025 ninth graders. The goal is to help reach underserved students and schools, to provide an alignment of interests to college pathways, and provide students early career and academic exploration, advising, and planning.

Through the grant, Avon CSD will pay for the Genesee Community College credits for our students, starting with the Class of 2028.  At the present time, the partnership offers two pathways for college credit. One pathway will be a liberal arts general studies pathway. The other pathway focuses on computer information science. Students who participate in the ECHS program can earn a minimum of 24 college credits and up to 60 transferable college credits. Participating in the ECHS program is a great opportunity for early exposure to college and careers with a focus to earn an associate's degree with their high school diploma. The ECHS experience focuses on the skills to be college and career ready and opportunities for networking, job shadowing, and interning with local businesses so that students learn what employers are looking for and expect. Through the ECHS program, students have an advisor and support to transition within the program and to college. Post-high school, students are supported with the next steps in higher education and transferring to a four-year institution of higher education (IHE). The ultimate goal is to provide students with the opportunities to graduate and be able to successfully earn a living wage.

College-Going Culture Prepares Students to:

  • Be vulnerable (ask questions, be okay with being wrong, and learning from mistakes)
  • Self-advocate and seek help
  • Collaborate well with others
  • Take responsibility for their academic success and know where they stand in their classes


Evidence of a College-Going Culture in an ECHS Program High school demonstrates belief in its students:

  • Students build confidence by doing hard work
  • Students take responsibility for their learning and reflect on experiences and learn from them
  • Students learn to self-advocate and access resources to be successful
  • Develop persistence, grit, and a growth mindset - their world is expanded, they see the larger picture
  • Kids being curious! (The most successful students ask the best questions!)

Interested in learning more about the Avon-GCC NYS-Smart Scholars ECHS program?
Please contact the Avon High School school counselors at 585-226-2455: Amanda Palmer (X 1729) or Liz Cooke-Megliore (X 1727) or Christina Ecklund, Director of Academic Programs, at 585-226-2455 X 1641.

ECHS Expectations & Industry Partners

Why Consider Avon & GCC's ECHS?

  1. College Credits: Avon ECHS students will graduate high school with 24-62 college credits, enabling them with the opportunity to complete an associate's degree at GCC.

  2. Liberal Arts - General Studies: These credits will align with the Liberal Arts degree. However, many courses will work for other degree programs if students change their mind during the process.

  3. Computer Information Systems: The credits will work for an associate's degree.

  4. Transferable Credits: Earned credits are fully transferable to any SUNY 2- or 4-year institution of higher education (IHE)

  5. Collaboration: This program is a partnership between colleges, public school districts, and industry partners. Current Avon ECHS partners are GCC, the Livingston County Chamber of Commerce Education to Workforce Development, and the Brockport Research Institute. Avon continues to develop industry partner relationships.

  6. Fast-Track Learning: This pathway program allows students to speed up their postsecondary studies while still in high school.

  7. Support: The ECHS program allows for built in additional academic support that will ensure students are ready for both high school and college courses.

  8. Cost Savings: Students in the Avon ECHS program will earn college credits at no cost to them or their family.

Benefits of the Smart Scholars ECHS Program

  1. Career Exploration: The program offers opportunities for career exploration and skill development.

  2. Mentorship: Students receive guidance and mentorship from faculty and professionals in their chosen fields.

  3. Dual Diploma: The Smart Scholars Program is a statewide initiative designed to support the academic success of high school students by enabling them to simultaneously earn a high school diploma and college credits through early college experiences.

  4. Support: The program focuses on students who are often underrepresented in college but is open and beneficial for all students.

Industry Partner Development

One benefit of the Early College High School collaboration is developing partnerships with local and regional businesses. A goal is to provide students with real-world work experience by participating in work-based learning experiences where they can earn marketable industry credentials. Opportunities may include job shadowing, mentoring, and summer employment. Through the collaboration, students will gain exposure to cutting-edge technologies, hands-on learning opportunities, and industry certifications. Students will develop essential job skills and industry expertise. The collaboration supports students engaging in real-world challenges, preparing them to excel in future careers. When students graduate high school, they can choose to continue their college degree at a four-year Institute of Higher Education or gain employment.

Under Construction...Industry Partners

Are you a business that may be interested in partnering with Avon CSD to support students with experiences in the work world?  Please contact Christina Ecklund at 585-226-2455 x1641.

LCCC Education to Employment


Participation, Commitment, and Attendance Requirements

Students and parents are required to attend an orientation meeting that will be held in late August each summer. In addition, students are required to participate in a summer orientation program at the GCC campus. Avon CSD will provide transportation. Notification of the orientation will be emailed to the parent/guardian of the student. The summer GCC orientation will provide students the opportunity to meet their ECHS classmates, meet some of the GCC instructors and tour the campus and learn about the support services available on campus as well as at Avon.

Students accepted into the ECHS program are making a four-year commitment. If a student enrolled in the program does not continue to meet the program requirements they may be subject to early dismissal.

Students accepted into the ECHS program must meet the challenges of being a college student, which include:

  • Being dedicated (attending all classes)
  • Putting in the effort (completing quality homework and assignments on time) to ensure they will pass their courses
  • Seeking academic and/or counseling assistance proactively
  • Adhering to both the Avon CSD Code of Conduct and Student Handbook and GCC's policies, including not limited to academic, technology, and safety regulations.