High School
Grades 9 - 12
Amanda Palmer |
Elizabeth Cooke-Megliore |
HS Counselor |
HS Counselor |
apalmer@avoncsd.org |
ecooke@avoncsd.org |
Jennifer Ingerick |
HS Guidance Office |
jingerick@avoncsd.org |
Counseling Office hours are 7:30 AM - 3:30 PM. The student school day is from 8:00 AM - 2:25 PM. Please call Mrs. Lutz to schedule a college representative visit. |
Avon CSD CEEB Code: 330280
NYS Mental Health Helpline: 1 (844) 863-9314
Course Guide 23-24 Course Guide 24-25 NYS Graduation Requirements
Middle School
Grades 5 - 8
Melanie Resch |
Arielle Hadsell |
MS Counselor |
MS Social Worker |
mresch@avoncsd.org |
ahadsell@avoncsd.org |
Elementary School
Grades K - 4
Alexis McTarnaghan |
ES Counselor |
amctarnaghan@avoncsd.org |
Department Resources:
Taking the SAT is strong evidence that you're ready for college and have what colleges are looking for.
The PSAT/NMSQT is a practice test for the SAT that can also qualify you for the National Merit Scholarship Program and other scholarships.
The ACT® test motivates students to perform to their best ability. Test scores reflect what you have learned throughout high school and provides colleges and universities with information for recruiting, advising, placement, and retention.
The test contains multiple-choice tests in 4 areas: English, Mathematics, Reading & Science, and an optional Writing test.