Hours of Operation | ALL REQUESTS NEED TO BE MADE AT LEAST 1 WEEK PRIOR TO THE DATE OF THE EVENT. Any request that is not made with at least a weeks notice may be declined. |
Monday - Friday - 2:30PM - 9:00PM | Any request made for a Sunday may be declined at any time due to staffing availability. |
Saturday - 8:00AM - 3:00PM | You will be unable to request the usage of a location outside of Hours of Operation.- If you wish to make a request outside of the Hours of Operation, please email Tom Lagrou at tlagrou@avoncsd.org with details of your request. |
Sunday - 11:00AM - 2:30PM | Any request made from an "Outside Organization" may be declined at any time if a "Higher Priority" group needs access to the site requested by the "Outside Organization". This applies to all requests, regardless of if they are pending or approved. Please see the Priority Scheduling table below to see where your organization falls. |
Avon CSD will always do our best to accommodate every organization at any time.
If you have any questions about these policies or about Priority Scheduling, please contact Tom Lagrou at tlagrou@avoncsd.org or by phone at (585) 226-2455 x1432
Thank you in advance for your flexibility and understanding of our policies.
All buildings and grounds shall be reserved for the exclusive use of the regular day school program (including co-curricular activities) on days that school is in session.
Class | Level/Priority | Group | Members/Clubs |
A | 1 | Avon CSD Staff |
2 | School Related Groups/Adult Ed |
B | 1 | Avon Recreational Programs for Youth (Non-Profit) |
2 | Other Avon Youth Programs |
Any other Avon local entity that promotes youth programs - must have at least 80% Avon residents |
C | Avon Community Organization |
D | Other Groups/Activities |
Facilities Fees
ACS reserves the right to assess fees for the use of facilities when the situation merits. We will do our best to minimize these expenses to the extent practical and possible.
A flat fee of $125 will be assessed to outside groups for the use of the Athletic Stadium. When additional employees are required for an event, then the organization will be charged an additional fee for associated contractual expenses.
Personnel Fee Schedule
Personnel fees will be assessed in each instance where the School District must employ custodians, maintenance staff, kitchen staff, security guards, stage hands, lifeguards or other supervisors for an event. These charges will be assessed, including fringe benefits, at the going rate per hour for each person scheduled to work. This charge will normally be at time and a half, plus fringe benefits, when not scheduled as part of the employee's regular work day. Curricular and co-curricular programs of the Avon School District and school related groups are exempt from these fees.
Billing Procedures
Charges and Estimates – Estimated billing will be done by the Business Office, upon receipt of the approved permit, to the person or group making the request. In all cases, the charge as computed by the Business Office shall be understood to be official. Charges quoted by principals and others are understood to be only estimates.
Fees for use of school facilities should be paid promptly upon billing. Checks should be made out to the Avon Central School District and sent to 191 Clinton Street, Avon, New York 14414. Non-payment of fees, as billed, may result in revocation of permit or refusal of the District to grant the group or organization future use of school facilities.
Rules for Use of Athletic and Other Facilities:
The following expectations covering specific areas will apply regarding the use of any athletic facility or property of the Avon Central School District. Failure to comply to any of these expectations may result in forfeiting the use of the athletic facility. Any scheduled use by an outside organization may be changed pending use by the School District's athletic team.
ALL Fields and Gyms:
Swimming Pool:
Weight Room:
Mon - Thurs: 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Saturday: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Tennis Courts:
Track/Turf Field Stadium:
Use of the Stadium Sports Complex:
All Weather Track Community residents are permitted to use the all weather track for running, jogging, and walking. Residents are to follow the Stadium Sports Complex rules that are prominently displayed on the fences. The facility will be closed for community use between the hours of sunset to sunrise. Residents are not permitted to use the track during any interscholastic competition scheduled for the Stadium Sports Complex. The District reserves the right to change the hours of access for community use of the track.
Community Groups Use of the Stadium Sports Complex:
Synthetic Turf Field Use of the Stadium Sports Complex requires additional measures of management, security, supervision, and maintenance. All groups must follow the regulations set forth in this policy. Representative of the community groups are responsible for assuring that all participants follow the Stadium Sports Complex rules that are prominently displayed on the fences. Community organizations outside-of-the-District shall pay a different fee than local community youth groups. A separate fee structure shall exist for Sectional and league use. Use of the lights, scoreboard, press box and concession stand require District personnel to be present. Therefore, an additional cost will be added to the fee for field use. The approval for community groups to use the Stadium Sports Complex must take into consideration the ability of the District to provide appropriate personnel to be on site for scheduled activities. The availability of District personnel is an important factor in the decision-making process.
Use of Cafeteria:
The following rules and regulations will apply to use of any of the cafeteria facilities or property of the Avon Central School District. Failure to comply with any of these rules may result in a forfeiture of the use of the cafeteria facility.
Restriction of Snowmobiles, ATE, Motorbikes, etc.
Snowmobiles and unauthorized motorized vehicles are prohibited from school property.
Restriction of Skateboards, Scooters, Inline Skates, etc.
Skateboarding is not allowed on school property
Tobacco Use, Drugs and Alcoholic Beverages
Smoking and tobacco use are prohibited in school buildings and on school grounds. No person shall knowingly have in his/her possession, upon any premises to which these rules apply, any alcoholic beverages and/or illegal or non-prescribed "controlled substance" (as defined by Penal Law Section 220.00).
For questions or concerns regarding Facilities Usage, please contact Tom Lagrou:
(585) 226-2455 x1432 tlagrou@avoncsd.org