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Avon CSD

Learning for a Lifetime

Community Use of Facilities

Follow the steps in the table below to request use of ACS Facilities: 

Step Process
Create rSchool Facilities Scheduler Account Create your rSchool Facilities Scheduler account for your organization.
  rSchool Facilities Scheduler Website
  rSchool - Become a Requestor
  Please note: You must provide up-to-date proof of insurance for your organization. This can be uploaded when creating your account.
Wait for Organization Approval Your organization must be approved, creating a new account will prompt this request.
  You will be notified by email once your organization’s group has been approved.
Create Your Facilities Usage Request Once your group has been approved, you may create a new request for facilities usage.
  How to Submit a Facilities Request - PDF
  How to Create a Facilities Request - Video
  Please note:
*For planning purposes, ALL REQUESTS NEED TO BE MADE AT LEAST 1 WEEK PRIOR TO THE DATE OF THE EVENT. Any request that is not made with at least a weeks notice may be declined.
*rSchool will not allow you to file a request if the space(s) you want to use have already been requested by another organization.
Wait for Facilities Usage Approval You will be notified by email whether your request has been approved or denied.
  Please note: All outside organizations will also receive an official agreement that will need to be signed in order to use the facilities.


Hours of Operation ALL REQUESTS NEED TO BE MADE AT LEAST 1 WEEK PRIOR TO THE DATE OF THE EVENT. Any request that is not made with at least a weeks notice may be declined.
Monday - Friday - 2:30PM - 9:00PM Any request made for a Sunday may be declined at any time due to staffing availability.
Saturday - 8:00AM - 3:00PM You will be unable to request the usage of a location outside of Hours of Operation.- If you wish to make a request outside of the Hours of Operation, please email Tom Lagrou at with details of your request.
Sunday - 11:00AM - 2:30PM Any request made from an "Outside Organization" may be declined at any time if a "Higher Priority" group needs access to the site requested by the "Outside Organization". This applies to all requests, regardless of if they are pending or approved. Please see the Priority Scheduling table below to see where your organization falls.


Avon CSD will always do our best to accommodate every organization at any time. 
If you have any questions about these policies or about Priority Scheduling, please contact Tom Lagrou at or by phone at (585) 226-2455 x1432
Thank you in advance for your flexibility and understanding of our policies. 

General Guidelines: 

  1. The Superintendent of Schools, pursuant to authority granted him/her by the Board of Education through Policy #3280, hereby establishes the following administrative procedures, regulations and rules to implement said Policy.The School District may not aid or perpetuate discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, country of national origin, religion, sex, age, marital status or disability.  Community groups and organizations should review their use of school facilities request for conformity.  The District reserves the right to require evidence of compliance with civil rights law.
  2. All activities conducted on school property shall conform with New York State law and municipal ordinances.
  3. School facilities must be left in the same condition as they are found.  Desks, displays, etc. should not be disturbed.  All electrical equipment or movable properties owned by the District shall at all times remain under the control of the District.
  4. Community groups shall be liable for any damage to school property resulting from activities they sponsor.  A check of the school facility shall be made before and after each activity by the "person in charge" and the custodian assigned.
  5. Vehicles are not allowed on grassed areas or athletic fields.  Parking for any large event should be controlled by sufficient personnel.  Use of auxiliary police for this purpose may be required.
  6. Admission charges, approved registration fees, or concessions may only be administered as stated on the request.
  7. Except for rest room facilities, participants and spectators should remain in the area or room assigned for an activity.
  8. The District assumes no liability for injuries resulting from community group activities.  For all activities, the District requires submission of a certificate of liability or insurance bond using the school district as additionally insured.
  9. The School Superintendent or designee must have free access to all facilities at all times.
  10. The District reserves the right to revoke authorization to use school facilities at any time.
  11. The Superintendent of Schools shall in the event of a contingent budget determine appropriate use fees to be charged after the close of school each day and on non-school days, to satisfy legal requirements related to contingent budgets.
  12. In general, requests will be honored based upon availability, and the ability of the overall facility to safely and manageably accommodate the event. Consideration must especially be taken when the potential for multiple events occurring simultaneously may occur.
  13. Sunday activity is limited to special events, with approval by the Superintendent.
  14. Facilities are not available on legal holidays or when buildings are closed due to inclement weather.

Other Regulations:

  1. Annual Reservations: Annual reservations shall be renewed each year after the opening of school in September. For these purposes, the summer months are considered to be a part of the preceding school year. Avon Central School District reserves the right to revoke a permit at any time.
  2. Required Supervision: Organizations or groups granted permits for facility usage shall insure that adequate adult supervision is provided at all times when school facilities are being used. (It is expected that there be a minimum of one designated adult supervisor for each fifteen participants in the activity, event or area). Permit holder must be present for entire function.The presence of a school staff member shall be required during the scheduled time of use by the group or organization. It is the responsibility of the District employee to arrange for access to the facility for the permit holder, to examine said facility before and after use for discovery of possible damage to or loss or property, and to secure the facility upon completion of use. The permit holder shall reimburse the District for the actual costs of such services by District employees if they are provided during times other than when said employees are regularly scheduled for work.
  3. Liability for Damage or Loss of District Property: Permit holders shall be liable for any damages or loss to School District property, furnishings or equipment so assigned and designated for use. (It is recommended that any damage to the property, including missing furnishings or equipment, be noted by the permit holder upon access to the facility and brought to the attention of the District employee on duty.
  4. Liability for Damage or Loss of Organization or Participant Property: Permit holders shall be fully responsible for the property and possessions of its members brought into school buildings or on school grounds and will hold the District free of any and all liability for loss or damage to such personal property of the organization or its members as a result of or during use of the school facility.
  5. Liability for Personal Injury: The permit holder shall indemnify and hold the District harmless from any and all personal liability including bodily injury to its participants arising from the use of school facilities. In regard to certain types of activities or events where a particular facility or related equipment and apparatus is to be utilized it may be required that the permit holder carry specific liability insurance and submit to the District proof of same.
  6. Reimbursement for Extra or Unusual Expenditures: Permit holders shall reimburse the District in the amount sufficient to cover all unusual or extra expenses that might result from the permitted use of school facilities, unless such reimbursement is specifically waived by the Board of Education.

Priority Scheduling:

All buildings and grounds shall be reserved for the exclusive use of the regular day school program (including co-curricular activities) on days that school is in session.

Class Level/Priority Group Members/Clubs
A 1 Avon CSD Staff
  • Admin/teachers/support staff
  • Athletic Teams
  • Extra Curricular Groups/Clubs
  2 School Related Groups/Adult Ed
  • Adult Education
  • Recognized employee organizations
  • Boosters
  • Senior Bash Committee
  • Avon PTA
B 1 Avon Recreational Programs for Youth (Non-Profit)
  • Town/Village Recreation Programs
  • Little Leagues
  • Avon Youth Football
  • Scouts
  • All other Avon Community related youth programs
  2 Other Avon Youth Programs

Any other Avon local entity that promotes youth programs - must have at least 80% Avon residents

C   Avon Community Organization
  • Rotary Club
  • Lions Club
  • Chamber of Commerce
  • Community Theater
  • Avon Village/Town Events
D   Other Groups/Activities
  • All profit groups
  • Section V
  • Outside Organizations
  • Livingston County Youth Programs


Facilities Usage Fees:

Facilities Fees
ACS reserves the right to assess fees for the use of facilities when the situation merits.  We will do our best to minimize these expenses to the extent practical and possible.

A flat fee of $125 will be assessed to outside groups for the use of the Athletic Stadium.  When additional employees are required for an event, then the organization will be charged an additional fee for associated contractual expenses.

Personnel Fee Schedule
Personnel fees will be assessed in each instance where the School District must employ custodians, maintenance staff, kitchen staff, security guards, stage hands, lifeguards or other supervisors for an event. These charges will be assessed, including fringe benefits, at the going rate per hour for each person scheduled to work. This charge will normally be at time and a half, plus fringe benefits, when not scheduled as part of the employee's regular work day. Curricular and co-curricular programs of the Avon School District and school related groups are exempt from these fees.

Billing Procedures
Charges and Estimates – Estimated billing will be done by the Business Office, upon receipt of the approved permit, to the person or group making the request. In all cases, the charge as computed by the Business Office shall be understood to be official. Charges quoted by principals and others are understood to be only estimates.

Fees for use of school facilities should be paid promptly upon billing. Checks should be made out to the Avon Central School District and sent to 191 Clinton Street, Avon, New York 14414. Non-payment of fees, as billed, may result in revocation of permit or refusal of the District to grant the group or organization future use of school facilities.

Rules for Use of Athletic and Other Facilities:
The following expectations covering specific areas will apply regarding the use of any athletic facility or property of the Avon Central School District. Failure to comply to any of these expectations  may result in forfeiting the use of the athletic facility.  Any scheduled use by an outside organization may be changed pending use by the School District's athletic team. 

ALL Fields and Gyms:

  1. Pitching should be done only from the pitching mound, and batting only from home plate.
  2. Jumping off/over the fences is not permitted.
  3. Except for official emergency vehicles, vehicles are not permitted on any of the fields – parking should be in designated lots.
  4. Permission to use any school equipment must be obtained in advance, in writing from the Director of Athletics.
  5. No pets in any fenced in areas or playgrounds. Open spaces require pet owners to clean up after their pets. Pets must be on leashes.
  6. No vehicles of any kind are allowed within the fenced area. This includes, but is not limited to, bicycles, tricycles, rollers and roller skates, skate boards, and any other form of 2, 3, or 4 wheeled recreational vehicles

Swimming Pool:

  1. *No one is allowed in the pool unless a lifeguard with valid lifeguard/CPR/AED certification is on duty.   The maximum number of persons allowed in the water at any one time shall be limited to 90 people in the shallow end and 50 people maximum in the deep end. Each group is responsible for providing and paying its own lifeguards.
  2. Swimming instructors and/or lifeguards must never leave the pool for any reason while swimmers are in the pool.
  3. All people must take showers prior to entering the pool.
  4. No custodian or other school employee shall permit access to pool or locker rooms unless the adult supervisor, instructor, or lifeguard is present.
  5. Permission to use special equipment of any kind in the pool must be obtained from the Pool Coordinator (e.g., sound systems, rafts, floats, etc.).
  6. Pool watcher must be present during all instruction.
  7. For all groups except Curricular/Co-curricular Programs and School Related Groups/Adult Education, a certificate of insurance will be required.

Weight Room:

Mon - Thurs:  6:30 PM - 8:00 PM

Saturday: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

  • Individuals using the weight room will enter the building through the doors by the auditorium
  • Individuals are REQUIRED to clean equipment after use; disinfectant and towels are provided
  • Water refill station is available in the hallway
  • Restrooms are located in the same hallway as the weight room

Tennis Courts:

  1. Tennis shoes or sneakers are the only acceptable footwear on the court. No spikes of any kind are allowed.
  2. No vehicles of any kind are allowed within the fenced area. This includes, but is not limited to, bicycles, tricycles, rollers and roller skates, skate boards, and any other form of 2, 3, or 4 wheeled recreational vehicles.

Track/Turf Field Stadium:

  1. There will be no food of any kind on the turf field.
  2. Water is the only beverage allowed on the turf field.  All other colored beverages including Gatorade and other sports drinks are prohibited.  Gum chewing is not allowed by anyone on the turf field.
  3. The use of tobacco products, e-cigarettes and vaporizers are prohibited.
  4. Additional security/supervision may be required depending on the event type.  This will be determined by the District at the time of application. 
  5. Metal spikes or high-heeled shoes are not permitted on the turf or on the track – sneakers, track spikes (on track), or appropriate turf shoes must be worn. 
  6. Access to the turf is limited to players, coaches, officials, and others associated with the event while organized activity is in progress.
  7. If there is any blood spillage on the turf, Blood Buster brand blood and organic stain remover is to be used to clean and decontaminate the area. Users are responsible for this. The product can be purchased from Medco sports medicines. Their fax number is 1-800-222-1934.
  8. Groups are allowed to arrive not earlier than 15 minutes before their scheduled use time.
  9. If a user finds a problem, defect or unclean conditions on the turf, they must call the ACS Business Office to leave a message explaining the problem. This will help identify groups that violate our rules and help protect all users.
  10. Appropriate litter receptacles are placed at the turf field and must be used at all times.
  11. The field cannot be used in weather conditions involving the threat of lightning. The presence of even distant thunder warrants leaving the field.  After thunder and/or lightning have left the area, wait 30 minutes after the last boom is heard or strike is seen before resuming play or competition.
  12. Snow and ice should NOT be removed from the turf/track.  Shovels, plows, etc. will damage the surface materials.
  13. Golfing and/or golf clubs are prohibited on the track and turf field surface.
  14. No batting or batting practice shall be permitted within the stadium.  Avon athletic teams and physical education classes will be permitted to conduct infield/skill practice.  No outside organizations will be permitted to play baseball or softball on the turf field.
  15. The use of lighting will be restricted to competitions with the exception of one  practice per week for sports that compete at night.
  16. Users are responsible for notifying their guests of our policies.
  17. The area is to be left the way it was found. This means removal or replacing of equipment that your group brought or moved onto the turf.
  18. Failure to comply with these rules can result in loss of use of the facility.
  19. Organizations authorized to use the school facilities assume responsibility for the conduct of both participants and spectators.  Each group shall designate a responsible adult representative who must be present at all times.  Arrangements for supervision of anticipated crowds must receive prior approval.
  20. Any electrical appliances being brought in for use by the event/function must be identified on the application and pre-approved by the District.
  21. The use of facilities will be restricted to the places, dates and times specifically authorized on the application.  Cancellation of a building use must be made at least 24-hours in advance of the scheduled use to avoid rental fee.

Use of the Stadium Sports Complex:

All Weather Track Community residents are permitted to use the all weather track for running, jogging, and walking. Residents are to follow the Stadium Sports Complex rules that are prominently displayed on the fences. The facility will be closed for community use between the hours of sunset to sunrise. Residents are not permitted to use the track during any interscholastic competition scheduled for the Stadium Sports Complex. The District reserves the right to change the hours of access for community use of the track. 

Community Groups Use of the Stadium Sports Complex:

Synthetic Turf Field Use of the Stadium Sports Complex requires additional measures of management, security, supervision, and maintenance. All groups must follow the regulations set forth in this policy. Representative of the community groups are responsible for assuring that all participants follow the Stadium Sports Complex rules that are prominently displayed on the fences. Community organizations outside-of-the-District shall pay a different fee than local community youth groups. A separate fee structure shall exist for Sectional and league use. Use of the lights, scoreboard, press box and concession stand require District personnel to be present. Therefore, an additional cost will be added to the fee for field use. The approval for community groups to use the Stadium Sports Complex must take into consideration the ability of the District to provide appropriate personnel to be on site for scheduled activities. The availability of District personnel is an important factor in the decision-making process.

Use of Cafeteria:

The following rules and regulations will apply to use of any of the cafeteria facilities or property of the Avon Central School District. Failure to comply with any of these rules may result in a forfeiture of the use of the cafeteria facility.

  1. For use of a cafeteria facility, application must be filed with the Business Office, 191 Clinton Street, and approved by the Cafeteria Director and School Business Official.
  2. The individual organization that received approval for the use of the facility will be held responsible for injury, damage, and cleanup of the facility after use.
  3. Under no circumstances are the facilities to be altered or rearranged without permission from the School District. The facilities should be left in the same or better condition prior to use.
  4. Specific facility rules covering the cafeteria are as follows:
  5. Use of the kitchen facilities may only take place with the supervision of a member from the cafeteria.
  6. Tables are only to be used for their intended purpose and not for a walkway or other type of use.
  7. Cafeteria must be left clean with the floor swept and tables wiped off and put back in their original location.


Restriction of Snowmobiles, ATE, Motorbikes, etc.
Snowmobiles and unauthorized motorized vehicles are prohibited from school property.

Restriction of Skateboards, Scooters, Inline Skates, etc.
Skateboarding is not allowed on school property

Tobacco Use, Drugs and Alcoholic Beverages
Smoking and tobacco use are prohibited in school buildings and on school grounds. No person shall knowingly have in his/her possession, upon any premises to which these rules apply, any alcoholic beverages and/or illegal or non-prescribed "controlled substance" (as defined by Penal Law Section 220.00).

For questions or concerns regarding Facilities Usage, please contact Tom Lagrou:
(585) 226-2455 x1432