In establishing which students are within the walking distances, the Superintendent will consider:
The district will suggest to families of walkers to practice the walk to school prior to opening day, to locate neighbors along the way who are normally home during the day and who would be willing to serve as “rest or emergency stop houses”, to talk with neighbors and potentially share as “drivers” of “walking busses” so that students are walking together with at least one adult, procedures for safely crossing a street.
In establishing locations of Centralized Pick-up Points (CPPs), the Superintendent will consider:
Bus traffic on non-dedicated municipal roads will be determined on a case-by-case basis. For walking distances or CPPs, the Superintendent will consider similar conditions as for dedicated municipal roads, as is practical and feasible.
General Information for Parents:
Pupils are entitled to transportation to schools outside the school district up to 15 miles from their homes.
Transportation Request - Non-Public School - This form must be submitted to the district prior to April 1 of each school year for the NEXT school year's transportation.
Measurements for Determining Eligibility:
Late Requests For Transportation To A Nonpublic School:
Late Request for Transportation Procedures:
A request for transportation form must be completed and accompanied with a letter explaining the late request. This information will be presented to the Board of Education for consideration.
Students Who Misbehave May Be Suspended From the Bus: