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Avon CSD

Learning for a Lifetime

Health Services Home

Middle/High School Health Office


Catherine Conroy Rhonda Goeke
MS/HS Registered Nurse
(585) 226-2455 ext 1435
(585) 226-2455 ext 1424
MS/HS Health Office Fax: (585) 226-1736

Elementary School Health Office


Nicole Montesano Michelle Moody
ES Registered Nurse
(585) 226-2455 ext 1123
(585) 226-2455 ext 1222
ES Health Office Fax: (585) 226-1723


Important Information from the Health Office Team


As we continue to navigate through the cold and flu season, please make sure you are familiar with the criteria for when you should keep your child home from school. 


Keep Your Child Home If:

  • He/She has a fever of 100.5 degrees or greater (Should be fever free for 24 hours without medication to return)
  • He/She has a severe headache accompanied with a fever
  • He/She is fatigue and/or tired from an illness
  • He/She has severe chest congestion or a significant cough
  • He/She has significant nasal drainage
  • He/She is vomiting or has diarrhea
  • He/She has a severe sore throat (accompanied with a fever or feeling ill) that persists for longer that 48 hours or has a strep throat infection
  • He/She has pink eye or you suspect that they might have pink eye (they need to be seen by their physician)
  • He/She has severe ear pain that should be evaluated by a physician
  • He/She has any form of fungal infection

There are also many other illnesses that have been on the rise within communities. Below you will find helpful resources regarding signs and symptoms to recognize, treatment options, as well as when to consult your primary care physician. 

COVID-19: Covid

Influenza: Influenza

Norovirus: Norovirus

Pertussis: Pertussis

Pneumonia: Pneumonia

Strep Infection: Strep


Reach out to your child’s Health Office if you have any questions or concerns. 

Thanks so much! Stay Healthy!

February 2025


Staying Home Guidelines


Be sure to ask your provider when it is safe for your child to return to school, not only for your child's health, but for the health of the other members of the school.


Your child must be symptom free (without medication) for 24 hours before returning to school.


A cozy bed with a thermometer placed on the sheets, indicating a focus on health and comfort.

Keep Your Child Home If:

  • He/She has a fever of 100.5 degrees or greater (Should be fever free for 24 hours without medication to return)
  • He/She has a severe headache accompanied with a fever
  • He/She is fatigue and/or tired from an illness
  • He/She has severe chest congestion or a significant cough
  • He/She has significant nasal drainage
  • He/She is vomiting or has diarrhea
  • He/She has a severe sore throat (accompanied with a fever or feeling ill) that persists for longer that 48 hours or has a strep throat infection - Strep Throat Information
  • He/She has pink eye or you suspect that they might have pick eye (they need to be seen by their physician) - Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye) Information
  • He/She has severe ear pain that should be evaluated by a physician
  • He/She has any form of fungal infection


Please call the attedance clerk, at (585) 226-2455 ext 1724 or by email at if your child is going to be tardy or absent from school. This phone line is a 24 hour service. Messages are checked every morning (and during the day) to ensure the safety of our students.

  • If you did not notify the school, you will receive an automated phone call from the district. Please be sure to contact our attendance clerk letting her know why your child is absent. Again, this is for the safety of your child.
  • If your child is tardy, please sign your child in at the main office when you arrive. You will not need to stop at the nurse's office. After the student checks in at the main office, he/she can then go right to their classroom.
  • If your child will be dismissed early from school, please send a note stating the time, who will be picking your child up, and reason for the early departure. By sending in a note, you are making the teacher aware of your child(ren)'s absence along with the main office. Again, this is for the safety of our students.
  • If your child is out due to a medical matter and you would like the nurse to know, use the numbers listed at the top of the page to connect with your school nurse.


Has your contact information changed? If so, please contact our registrar with your updated information at (585) 226-2455. Having up to date contact information is extremely important in an emergency situation.

A check box featuring small figures of people, symbolizing choices or selections related to individuals.

Allergy Awareness:

Food allergies are a growing food safety and public health concern that affect an estimated 8% of children in the United States. A food allergy occurs when the body’s immune system sees a certain food as harmful and reacts by causing symptoms - an allergic reaction. Explore the links below for more information on food allergies and reaction prevention:


Non-Food Ideas for Birthday Celebrations:
If you would like an alternative to food treats for your child’s birthday celebration, see the suggestions below. Always check with your child's teacher first to see what he/she finds acceptable for their classroom.

  • Party Favors (bouncy balls, matchbox cars, erasers, tops, magnifying glasses, notepads, balloons, whistles, bubbles, etc.). 
  • Come read a book to the class.   
  • Buy something for the classroom (books, games, etc.).
  • Send in the supplies and directions for a craft the kids can do.
  • Arrange for the kids to play a game instead of eating a snack.

Medical alert sign showing peanuts with a clear no symbol, indicating a peanut allergy warning.

Concussion Management & TBI:

Brain icon with a blue outline, symbolizing intelligence and creativity.


Immunizations should be as complete as possible when school starts. In accordance with Public Health Law #2164, all children entering school must be immunized against polio, measles, rubella, mumps, hepatitis B, and diptheria. Proof must be presented at the time of registration that these immunizations are completed or in process of being completed. If booster shots haven’t been given, please let the school nurse know the scheduled date.

A green bandage featuring a heart shape design, perfect for adding a touch of love to healing.

Insurance Assistance:

A folder with a red cross symbol on it, indicating a medical or emergency context.

Medication Policy:

  • An adult must drop off the medication. Your child is not allowed to carry the medication to and from school.
  • A new medication authorization (doctor's orders) with the medication is required at the beginning of each school year.
  • Parents/Guardians must fill out the Avon Medication Authorization Form and submit it to the school nurse with the medication when it is completed by the parent/guardian and the child's physician.
  • Medication must be in the original bottle with your child's name on it.
  • Over the counter medication must be brought in as an unopened bottle.
  • Make sure the new medication authorization forms are sent to the health office prior to the 1st day of school. This will ensure that your child has the medication they need on the 1st day of school.
  • Any questions please contact the school nurse.

Pill bottle icon with a long shadow on a clean white background, symbolizing medication and health.


Students who are able to self-apply sunscreen are allowed to self-carry and use topical sunscreen products approved by the FDA. Students MUST have written permission to do so from their parent/guardian.


 Icon of a sun cream bottle.

Tips for Preventing Skin Infections:

  1. Recognize signs and symptoms early
  2. Practice good hygiene
  3. Avoid sharing clothing and personal objects
  4. Contact your health care provider with any questions or concerns

Bandage icon on a white background, symbolizing healing and care in a simple, clear design.

Working Papers:

Applications for work permits can be found at the High School Main Office. To obtain proof of physical (physical fitness certificate), a copy of the student's most recent physical must be on file in the nurse's office. Please contact the school nurse to check on the status of your physical.


If you need proof of physical and you are unable to reach the school nurse, this Physical Fitness Certification can be filled out by your primary physician.

A simple checklist icon featuring a clipboard with checkmarks, symbolizing tasks or items to be completed.